Currency Strength Meter - Comparison

The table below compares the various features of several currency strength meters that we have used. Important features to note include refresh rate, currencies and timeframes supported, and whether a dedicated (built-in) currency strength data feed is used.

AccustrengthForex Strength Meter
Desktop version
Forex Strength Meter
iPhone version
Price (USD)$129.95 (90 day)$19.95 (1 month)
$49.95 (3 month)
$119.95 (12 month)
Free TrialNOYES
7-Day Free Trial
PlatformWindowsWindows & Mac OSXiOS
iPhone & iPad
First Release2008201720122011
Current Version2.
Built-In Data FeedYESYESYESNO*
*Uses data from an MT4 trading terminal
Refresh Rate3 to 4 seconds0.4 to 0.5 seconds1.5 seconds
(0.7 seconds with Data Booster Pack option)
2 to 3 seconds
Currency Strength Algorithm Accuracy5/55/55/54/5*
*Accuracy depends on the quality of the MT4 broker's data feed
Data Latency4/55/55/54/5
Currencies Supported10888
Time-Frames86 4 (Standard) or 6 (Data Booster Pack) -
Highest Time Frame2 weekly (W2)Monthly (M1)Monthly (M1)-
Lowest Time Frame1-Hourly (H1)15-Minute (M15)4-hourly (Standard) or 15 minute (Data Booster Pack)-
Heat Map Data TableNOYESNONO
Average Currency StrengthNOYESNONO
Bar Chart DisplayNOYESYESNO
High-Low HighlightingNOYESYESNO
Line Chart DisplayYESYESYESYES
Custom Chart TrendlinesYESNONONO
Chart ZoomNOYESTap and ZoomNO
Adjustable Time-ZoneNOYESYESNO
History Lookback ViewerYESScrollableYESNO
Color CustomizationExtensiveExtensive4 color themesNO
Custom Grid-LinesNOYESYESNO
Run Multiple Copies SimultaneouslyNONO, but unlimited charts at onceYESYES
SupportEmailEmailContact support from within AppEmail
InstructionsebookBuilt in User GuideBuilt in User Guideebook
Video Tutorial LibraryYESNONOYES
Refund Period7 days7 day (Free Trial Period)As Per iTunes Store60 days
Future UpdatesFreeFreeFreeFree
Optional ExtrasN/AN/AData Booster Pack for scalping style trading $4.99 for 30 dayN/A